What about AB5?

Thousands of people in the 35th depend on work as Independent Contractors to feed their families and pay the bills. Norma recognizes this face…and yet does nothing to help them! Along with the Nation’s highest taxes, the biggest job killer in California is AB5. Created by our Democrat super-majority, it destroys the entrepreneurial spirit of California by killing “gig” work for Uber and Lyft drivers as well as a whole host of other jobs performed by independent contractors. People used to come here to realize their dreams. No longer. Businesses are leaving at a record rate. Norma and her party are directly responsible for destroying our State’s economy.

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She doesn’t understand business…

Prior to entering the world of local politics, Norma Torres worked for 17.5 years as a 911 dispatcher for the LAPD. That’s it! She’s never had a job in the private sector and has never had a paycheck that wasn’t paid for on the backs of the American taxpayer.

This explains her dismal voting record. Norma has never met a tax, fee or regulation she didn’t support and has never exhibited any legislative behavior that could be deemed “pro-jobs or pro-business”. Her record (as Assemblywoman, Senator and now Representative) illustrates a complete ignorance of what could constitute small (or large) business support and what actually stimulates job creation. Her idea of “support” exists entirely of pointing businesses to government loans, and links for navigating through other governmental bureaucracies. Her “Made in the 35th” tours of local businesses and manufacturing should, in all reality, be called the “How are you still here?” tour.


A clear example…

As a cost saving measure, many, many businesses choose to employ Arbitration clauses in their agreements. This allows for the parties to settle a dispute, either among themselves or with a neutral arbiter, potentially saving themselves thousands of dollars in attorney fees. In this video, Norma supports H.R.1423 which prohibits a pre-dispute arbitration agreement from being valid or enforceable if it requires arbitration of an employment, consumer, antitrust, or civil rights dispute. This bill hurts businesses and rewards attorneys…and she has no clue as to its actual impact on the world the rest of us live in.

According to the U.S Chamber of Commerce, her annual score for 2019 is 51% (that’s an “F”) and a lifetime score of 59% (another “F”). In 2018 her score was 67%, in 2017 it was 64%, and in 2016 it was also 64%.

Job Creators gives Norma a FAILING grade. This is only a small portion of the full list. Please click HERE to see the rest of her votes.

Job Creators gives Norma a FAILING grade. This is only a small portion of the full list. Please click HERE to see the rest of her votes.


FreedomWorks gives her an “F” as well.

We are over 6 million Americans who are passionate about promoting free markets and individual liberty. Our members all share three common traits: a desire for less government, lower taxes, and more economic freedom. FreedomWorks was founded to fight for liberty and brought together some of the best and brightest minds of the liberty movement. Since then, we've expanded our ambitions from a free-market think tank to a service center for the grassroots freedom movement across the whole country.

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Can’t we all get along?

The only hope we have economically is for President Trump to win in November. He built the greatest economy in the history of the world before the pandemic and he might be the only person on the planet who can do it again. Norma Torres has been at war with him and the other Republicans since she was elected. Please CLICK the button below to see how many times she has voted against every effort of the President to improve the country. If she is re-elected, it will continue to be nothing more than name calling and obstruction at every turn. And in the end, the people of the 35th will continue to suffer…